Hi there! I’m Ryan. I welcome you to Find Your Breath, with me, today.
A little bit about myself: I became a Personal Trainer at the age of 19. I started a small training business with my roommate out of our college dorm room during my sophomore year. Our mission statement for that business was “To impact and improve the physical and mental well-being of my clients, friends and family.” I was always passionate about helping others.
About 10 years into that career, I shifted gears and became a Physician Assistant, specializing in Orthopedic Surgery, keeping the original mission statement in mind: “To impact and improve the physical and mental well-being of my clients, friends, family”, and now patients too! This was a great career while it lasted. You see, as time went by and I was working in a high volume orthopedic practice, I began to get burned out, something that is very common amongst healthcare workers. After being prescribed an antidepressant, and a benzodiazepine, I knew something needed to change.
Over the past 3 years, I have been practicing breathwork as a technique to help me my manage stress, anxiety and insomnia as a result of my career as a physician assistant. I was innately tapping into my inner healing intelligence without even knowing how breathwork was helping me physiologically. Then I put all the pieces together.
I realized that my breath was a tool to help modulate my nervous system, specifically the autonomic nervous system. But wait, everything I learned in school about the autonomic nervous system said that we weren’t able to control this. It runs automatically. How can this be? I started to do some research.
It turns out that this has been known in ancient cultures throughout the world. From tibetan monks, to hindu yogis, various forms of breathwork techniques have been a cultural staple for thousands of years. The breath is the fundamental starting point for any type of Holistic wellness approach.
I hope to encourage you to tap into this time tested modality, and experience the amazing benefits of Breathwork for yourself. Watch the video below for a more detailed picture!